Film in Serbia
• Obedska Bara

Obedska Bara

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Obedska Bara
Location address:
Obrež, Kupinovo
contact info
Phone: +381 21 431144

If you look at the map of Srem you will  immediately reveal the most typical meander in the whole course of the river Sava and above it, like a reflection in the mirror, the horse-shoe shaped bed of Obedska Pond, stretching between the village of Kupinovo and the neighbouring village of Obrež. and their biological communities. A special value is certainly the bird fauna of Obedska Bara, especially the colony of wading birds, which make this area famous in the world.

Thanks to its natural beauty, the territory of Obedska Bara drew attention to itself a long time ago, so that as early as 1874 it was put under protection for the first time as an imperial hunting ground by an act of the Austro-Hungarian court. Thus, Obedska Bara was the second officially protected area in the world (after Yellowstone in the USA). By an act of the government of the Republic of Serbia from 1993, this area gained the status of a special nature reserve with an area of 9,820 hectares, while the entire protected zone covers an area of 19,611 hectares.

Obedska bara is easy to get since it is located in the municipality of Pećinci, near to the Beograd-Zagreb highway, on the bicycle road Euro velo 6, 42km away from „Nikola Tesla” airport. It is situated 56 km West from Belgrade and 381km South from Budapest.

Parking for buses, trucks, and cars next to the hotel „Obedska bara“. Individual accommodation in Pećinci, Obrež and Kupinovo.


For each shooting is requested The Nature Protection Requirements document (Uslovi zaštite prirode) which is given by Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province (Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu priode, Radnička 20, Novi Sad). This Conditions provide all limits and rules regarding nature protection. Accessibility of the terrain conditioned by the water level of the Sava River. It is necessary to get Shooting permission from reserve manager too (JP Vojvodinašume).