Film in Serbia
• Permits and Procedures
Permits and Procedures
Permits and Procedures

Cooperation with police – filming permit procedure

In many cases filming permit procedure involves the Serbian Government’s Ministry of Interior ( Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije), either indirectly or directly. Any contact with the police should be made through the Bureau for Cooperation with Media (Biro za saradnju sa medijima) which processes all applications and forwards them further to specialised department of the Ministry.
You need to send a letter, the scenario, and detailed shooting script that includes the precise time, site, number of people, vehicles, and other specific data.
The production team/individual must contact the MoI’s Bureau for Cooperation with Media if, in connection with shooting:
Security staff is needed,
Traffic is affected in any way whatsoever,
Pyrotechnics is used,
The shoots are made at the airport, in the area inside the customs control,
It is necessary to escort the VIPs from the airport runway,
It is necessary to lease uniforms, weapons, helicopters, staff, trained animals, special vehicles, etc.
As for the lease of police uniforms, the entire police uniform, apart from the badge is available for lease. Requests for uniform should preferably be sent 15 - 30 days in advance considering that the status of stock constantly changes and the equipment needs to be timely reserved,
Weapons may be leased exclusively with police escort.

A precise pricelist for the services provided by the Ministry of Interior, many of them intended for film industry, is available on the Ministry’s website.

Contact data:

MUP Biro za saradnju sa medijima (MoI’s Bureau for Cooperation with Media)
Address: Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 2, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 3139781; Fax: +381 11 3139782

Cooperation with police – filming permit procedure

In many cases filming permit procedure involves the Serbian Government’s Ministry of Interior ( Ministarstvo unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije), either indirectly or directly. Any contact with t...

Filming at the Belgrade Airport Nikola Tesla

When planing to shoot at the Airport we kindly advise you to bare in mind that Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport is a border crossing area, and therefore  certain limitations and procedures need to be undertaken and authorised by both Ministry of Interior and Nikola Tesla Airport management. The Airport website provides detailed guidance for inquiries considering both film and media (press). The following rules and guidelines consider all types of photography, videography or commercial filming.

Media representatives are required to announce to Director General of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport to fax +381 11 2286 187. For border crossing area additional approval by competent department from Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport and the approval from Republic of Serbia Ministry of Interior Media Cooperation Bureau is also necessary. To each member of press team special daily permits are issued. Use this form  to file the request for permit.

Should your filming at the airport involves airline property or staff, prior permission of the airline in question must be obtained.

All filmography, photography and other non-press content should be contacted through Commercial Department regarding information on filming fees and assistance with permits:
T: +381 11 209 4025
M: +381 64 8485 019

For updated and detailed information consult the Nikola Tesla Airport Filming permit page while picture gallery of the Airport location is featured in our Location Database.

Filming at the Belgrade Airport Nikola Tesla

When planing to shoot at the Airport we kindly advise you to bare in mind that Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport is a border crossing area, and therefore  certain limitations and procedures need to be un...

Filming from the air

Filming from the air

The procedures for filming from the air are the following:
 All shoots from the air should be notified to the Defence System Operations Centre, Traffic Division (Operativni centar sistema odbrane, Odsek za saobraćaj)
 Application for filming, with all required information, should be sent directly to the Operations Centre to its fax no +381 11 2063418
 Any questions about what the application should include, about the documents required, the consultations about detailed procedure for filming from   the air, and other, can be obtained at tel. +381 11 2063850, +381 11 2063870, or +381 11 2063903

Contact data:
Vojska Srbije, Operativni centar sistema odbrane, Odsek za saobracaj
(Serbian Army, Defence System Operations Centre, Traffic Division)
Tel.: +381 11 2063850, +381 11 2063870, +381 11 2063903

Filming from the air

Filming from the airThe procedures for filming from the air are the following:
♦ All shoots from the air should be notified to the Defence System Operations Centre, Traffic Division (Operativ...

Filming in forests

Relevant authorities for filming in forests and woodlands are Serbian Forest Company (JP Srbijašume) and Vojvodina Forest Company (JP Vojvodinašume). Forest Companies are the managing authorities of the forest land in major areas including Belgrade and 17 other cities in Serbia. Accordingly you should apply for filming permit with one of these two state-owned companies. There is a fixed scale of fees payable for the use of the locations for which each JP Srbijašume or JP Vojvodinašume is the relevant authority. Application form for Srbijašume is available online on the following link together with the permitting price card. 

Complete list of forest locations will be available in the online location database soon.

If you want to filming in forests this are the contacts for relevant authorities 

JP Srbijašume (Serbian Forest Company)

Contact people: Danijela Kulier and Aleksandra Stojković, marketing department
Address: Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 113, Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 711 5034, +381 11 711 5062,  E-mail:                                                                      W:

JP Vojvodinašume (Vojvodina Forest Company)

Contact person: Ivana Vasić
Address: Preradovićeva 2, 21131 Petrovaradin, Novi Sad
Tel:+381 21 431 144; Fax: +381 21 64 33 139, E-mail:;   W:

Filming in forests

Relevant authorities for filming in forests and woodlands are Serbian Forest Company (JP Srbijašume) and Vojvodina Forest Company (JP Vojvodinašume). Forest Companies are the managing authorities of...

Filming in military facilities

The Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces possess a large number of locations and facilities that are available to film productions for filming, such as Military Clubs, sports halls, barracks, hospitals, swimming pools, stadiums, sports fields, assembly halls, etc.

It is necessary to send all requests for filming in the facilities of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces beforehand to the Public Relations Department at with the following details:

  1. Summary of the film or series that is being filmed with the information about the production company
  2. The purpose of using a facility and space (physical occupation of the facility and space)
  3. Period of use
  4. List of all persons entering the facility with the following data: first name, surname, unique citizen’s identity number, ID number or passport number for foreigners
  5. List of equipment used for filming (motor vehicles with number plates, generators, trailers, etc)
  6. Proposition on how to provide technical items if it is an engagement lasting several days
  7. List of natural and legal persons who will be present during the filming (catering, persons providing the equipment, etc.)
  8. Information about military equipment to be used during the filming (if necessary)
  9. Information about armament, firearms and explosive devices to be used during the filming (if necessary)
  10. Any other information that make the production company’ request, i.e. request for filming at requested locations complete.

Please note that, after the request for filming is received, it is processed and the procedure for obtaining permission for filming at the requested location takes between 14 to 21 days, and that after the permission for filming is obtained, filming can be done in accordance with the valid Services Price List and the Rulebook on Material Operations in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.


Public Relations Department 

Address: 5/11 Birčaninova Street, 11000 Belgrade

Contact person:

Maj Bojan Milivojević, phone: +381 69 1105 364

Jelena Lukjančenko, phone: +381 64 8874 202


Filming in military facilities

The Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces possess a large number of locations and facilities that are available to film productions for filming, such as Military Clubs, sports halls, barrac...

Filming in protected natural areas

The request for the permission for filming in nature with protected status I and II, including national parks, should be submitted to the Ministry of Environmental Protection together with proof of payment of the republic administrative fee in the amount of 900,00 dinars.

Information you should provide in the request are:

  • production company name
  • address
  • e-mail address
  • phone
  • PIB for legal entities (if the request for filming is submitted by a natural person, Unique Personal Identification Number should be provided)
  • project specification 
  • exact location for which the application is submitted with coordinates (satellite image showing the boundaries of the area within which filming is planned)

After sending the request, the Ministry obtains an expert oppinion from the competent institute for nature protection. The deadline for the adoption of the professional oppinion is usually 2 weeks, so we invite you to submit a request at least 3 weeks before the shooting. When institute approves filming at the requested location, the Ministry issues an opinion on the fulfillment of the conditions for nature protection, which is a permit for filming in that area. The fee for issuing an opinion is 10,000.00 dinars and is payed after the approval of the institute.

The permission refers to one project only, and a new application should be submitted for each project. 

For a complete notice on the application of Article 9 of the Law on Natural Protection, see the link.

For scouting only, please contact the management of the protected natural area.



Ministry of Environmental Protection

Omladinskih brigada 1, 11070 Novi Beograd


Phone: +381 11 3131 220

Filming in protected natural areas

The request for the permission for filming in nature with protected status I and II, including national parks, should be submitted to the Ministry of Environmental Protection together with proof of...

Filming in schools

The approval to shoot in schools, their  buildings or  yards, regardless whether it is a primary or a secondary school, is not to be asked from the Ministry of Education; rather, you should contact directly the school headmaster. To shoot in university buildings, contact the relevant faculty’s PR Department.

Filming in schools

The approval to shoot in schools, their  buildings or  yards, regardless whether it is a primary or a secondary school, is not to be asked from the Ministry of Education; rather, you should contact...

Filming in state-owned buildings

To shoot in the buildings which are within the competence of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, apply with the Serbian Government General Secretariat (Generalni sekretarijat Vlade Republike Srbije)submitting a written application to the address of the Secretariat.


Contact information for filming in state-owned buildings:

Generalni sekretarijat Vlade RS (Serbian Government General Secretariat)
Address: Nemanjina 11, 11000 Beograd

Filming in state-owned buildings

To shoot in the buildings which are within the competence of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, apply with the Serbian Government General Secretariat (Generalni sekretarijat Vlade Republike...

Filming in the Belgrade Fortress

Filming in the Belgrade Fortress

For any activities to take place on this site, contact the Belgrade Fortress Company (JP Beogradska tvrđava) (even if you only want to take photos) and the Serbian Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika culture) considering that the entire zone of the Fortress is protected as cultural heritage of exceptional importance. The Fortress has more sensitive and less sensitive zones, and a special traffic regime.
The Belgrade Fortress Company (JP Beogradska tvrdjava) leases its site according to a fixed pricelist, and Serbian Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika culture) provides consent for its use taking into account the aspect of cultural heritage protection.
The Belgrade Fortress Company (JP Beogradska tvrđava) has a pricelist for the provision of filming sites lease services and, regardless of the fact that there are dozens companies within the Fortress, it is the only authority that issue permits and charges for these services. Productions houses are to exclusively contact the Belgrade Fortress Company (JP Beogradska tvrđava) and this Company will then coordinate activities with other owners and users of specific parts and structures on the Fortress.

Contact data:
Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika culture (Serbian Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage)
Address: Radoslava Grujića 11, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 245 4786; Fax +381 11) 344 1430

JP Beogradska tvrđava (Belgrade Fortress Company)
Contact person: Olivera Vuckovic
Address: Terazije 3/V, 11000Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 26 20 685, +381 11 26 29 756; Fax +381 1126 33 747

Filming in the Belgrade Fortress

Filming in the Belgrade FortressFor any activities to take place on this site, contact the Belgrade Fortress Company (JP Beogradska tvrđava) (even if you only want to take photos) and the Serbian Ins...

Filming in the underground of Belgrade

Filming in the underground of Belgrade

Belgrade has about 140 identified underground structures that are different in appearance and intended use (caves, old mines, military facilities, hollows, etc.). There is not a single agency that is in charge of all Belgrade underground structures; rather, they are the responsibility of a number of public institutions and enterprises (City Shelter Company (Gradska skloništa), Water Company (Vodovod), Belgrade Greenery Company (Zelenilo Beograd), municipalities, Railway Company (Železnica)). It is best to contact the Urban Development Centre (Centar za urbani razvoj), the institution researching these structures.


Contact data:
Centar za urbani razvoj (Urban Development Centre)
Contact Person: Mr Rade Milić
Tel.: +381 63 824 3316

Filming in the underground of Belgrade

Filming in the underground of BelgradeBelgrade has about 140 identified underground structures that are different in appearance and intended use (caves, old mines, military facilities, hollows, etc.)....

Filming on bridges

Filming on bridges

To shoot on bridges in the territory of the City of Belgrade, the responsible authority is the City Secretariat for Traffic (Gradski sekretarijat za saobraćaj) (with the exception of Gazela Bridge for which Serbian Road Company (JP Putevi Srbije) is the competent authority).
To shoot on bridges outside cities, the relevant permitting authority is Serbian Road Company (JP Putevi Srbije). Shooting on bridges must be notified to the MoI’s Bureau for Cooperation with Media (MUP, Biro za saradnju sa medijima) which will duly inform the relevant local police.

Contact data:
Gradski sekretarijat za saobraćaj (Gradska uprava Beograd) (City Secretariat for Traffic, Belgrade City Administration)
Address: 27. marta 43-45, 11000 Beograd
Contact person: Mr Srđa Putnik
Tel.: +381 11 3309770

JP Putevi Srbije (Serbian Road Company)
Contact person: Ms Dragica Kuzmanović
Address: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 282
Tel.: +381 11 3040677

MUP Biro za saradnju sa medijima (MoI’s Bureau for Cooperation with Media)
Address: Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 2, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 3139781; Fax: +381 11 3139782

Filming on bridges

Filming on bridges♦ To shoot on bridges in the territory of the City of Belgrade, the responsible authority is the City Secretariat for Traffic (Gradski sekretarijat za saobraćaj) (with the excepti...

Filming on green surfaces (in nature)

To shoot at any green surface in the territory of the City of Belgrade (parks included), the approval of Belgrade Greenery Company (JKP Zelenilo Beograd) is required.
Filming approval/permit is obtained by sending the relevant application indicating any specific requirements.
The Belgrade Greenery Company is also responsible for providing specific services for filming purposes, e.g., lawn mowing, snow removal, placement or removal of garbage bins, benches, or other similar furniture. There is a fixed fee scale for the use of sites; other services are charged extra.

Institute for Nature Protection (Zavod za zaštitu prirode) has a consulting function in the approval procedure; namely, the Institute provides expert opinion when a specific request is submitted to some other natural heritage company, such as to the National Park Company (JP Nacionalni park), taking into consideration nature protection and improvement.
Usually, these are situations when the filming requires erecting temporary structures at the site of a natural park.

Contact data:
JKP Zelenilo Beograd (Belgrade Greenery Company)
Contact person: Ms Vitoslava Marković
Address: Mali Kalemegdan 8, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 2622481

Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije (Serbian Institute for the Protection of Nature)
Contact person: Ms Maja Radosavljević, PR Officer
Address: Dr Ivana Ribara 91, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 2093 858, +381 66 381 480

Filming on green surfaces (in nature)

To shoot at any green surface in the territory of the City of Belgrade (parks included), the approval of Belgrade Greenery Company (JKP Zelenilo Beograd) is required.
Filming approval/permit is...

Filming on protected monuments and structures

Applications for filming on locations such as on cultural monuments, protected locations, or locations otherwise considered sensitive, will be carefully processed by competent authorities, which may cause longer wait times for answer or give rise to specific requirements regarding filming.
Filming on cultural monuments in Serbia
Serbian Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (Republički zavod sa zaštitu spomenika kulture) is the competent permitting authority for filming on cultural monuments throughout the territory of Serbia. This includes Belgrade when the location in question is classified as cultural heritage of exceptional importance.
The procedure for obtaining the relevant permit is quite simple: you send your written application by post or deliver it in person to the address of the Institute and the issue of permit follows within 2 or 3 days. Applications in electronic format (sent by e-email) shall not be considered. The permit is issued free of charge.
To obtain permits to shoot on Important Cultural Heritage or on the Heritage of Great Importance, contact regional or city institutes for the protection of heritage.
To shoot cultural heritage in the territory of Belgrade
About 400 items of cultural heritage is under the protection of the City of Belgrade’s Institute for Heritage Protection (Zavod za zaštitu spomenika grada Beograda). This Institute is an institution with expertise to define the requirements for protection and improvement of cultural heritage in Belgrade.
There are three levels of protection:
1. Important cultural heritage,
2. Cultural heritage of great importance, and
3. Cultural heritage of exceptional importance.
Go to the Digital Catalogue of cultural heritage that is available on the Institute’s website to check whether a particular site is protected and to identify the relevant permitting authority.
To shoot on the cultural heritage in the territory of the City of Belgrade you need to obtain a permit from the City of Belgrade’s Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage (Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture grada Beograda) by submitting the relevant application to the registry/reception office and paying a fee in accordance with a fixed fee scale; the permit will be issued shortly.

Contact data:
Republički zavod za zaštitu spomenika culture, (Serbian Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage)
Address: Radoslava Grujića 11, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 245 4786; Fax +381 11 344 1430

Network of Heritage Protection Institutes in Serbia

Zavod za zaštitu spomenika grada Beograda,(City of Belgrade’s Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Kalemegdan 14,
Tel.: +381 11 3287557, +381 11 3287 420, +381 11 2631 743

Međuopštinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika Subotica
(Subotica Inter-municipal Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Trg Slobode 1/3, Subotica
Tel.: +381 24 556 901, +381 24 557 606

Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture
(Vojvodina Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Štrosmajerova 22
Tel.: +381 21 6432576; Fax+381 21 6431198

Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Zrenjanin
(Zrenjanin Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Trg dr Zorana Đinđića 1, 23000 Zrenjanin
Tel.: +381 23 564 366; Fax +381 23 528 730

Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Sremska Mitrovica,
(Sremska Mitrovica Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Trg sv. Dimitrija 10, 22000 Sremska Mitrovica
Tel.: +381 22 621 568

Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Pančevo
(Pančevo Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Žarka Zrenjanina 17, 26000 Pančevo
Tel.: +381 13 351 472,


Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Valjevo
(Valjevo Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Milovana Glišića 2, 14000 Valjevo
Tel.: +381 14 3519 655, +381 14 3519 656; Fax +381 14 3522 689

Regionalni zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Smederevo
(Smederevo Regional Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Despota Đurđa 37, Smederevo, Tel.: +381 26 222 309

Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Kragujevac
(Kragujevac Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Kragujevačkog oktobra 184, Kragujevac
Tel.: +381 34 335 595, +381 34 335 409

Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Kraljevo
(Kraljevo Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Cara Lazara 24, 36000 Kraljevo
Tel.: +381 36 331 866, +381 36 331 575; Fax +381 36 321 025

Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Niš
(Niš Institute for Cultural Heritage Protection)
Address: Dobrička 2, Niš
Tel.: +381 18 523 414; Fax +381 18 523 412

Kancelarija za očuvanje kulturne baštine na Kosovu i Metohiji
(Office for the Protection of Cultural Heritage in Kosovo and Metohija)
Address: Leposavić

Filming on protected monuments and structures

Applications for filming on locations such as on cultural monuments, protected locations, or locations otherwise considered sensitive, will be carefully processed by competent authorities, which may c...

Filming on railways

For filming in offices of the "Serbian Railways" ad, as well as the Railway Museum, which is a museum within the company, you should contact the Serbian Railway Company’s Media Centre (Medija Centar Železnica Srbije ad)

The procedure is simple: a written application is to be submitted, and it will be promptly processed. The use of any location for which Serbian Railway Company (Železnice Srbije ad) is the competent authority is subject to the payment of an adequate fee.

Contact for filming on railways 

Contact data:
Medija centar "Železnice Srbije" ad (Serbian Railway Company’s Media Centre)
Contact person: Biljana Gordić
Address: Nemanjina 6, 11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 3618 308, +381 11 3681 344

Filming on railways

For filming in offices of the "Serbian Railways" ad, as well as the Railway Museum, which is a museum within the company, you should contact the Serbian Railway Company’s Media Centre (Medija Cent...

Filming on the hippodrome and horse lease

Filming on the hippodrome and horse lease

It is possible to, for filming purposes, lease trained horses by directly contacting horse clubs. The horse club which leases horses must provide for them all the documents that the competent veterinary authority requires as the evidence that the animals are healthy and inoculated in compliance with applicable regulations.
It is possible to film in the territory of Belgrade hippodrome, but not on the race tracks.
You need to submit your filming application in writing. No fees have been prescribed for any activities in connection with filming.

Contact data:
JP „Hipodrom Beograd“ (Belgrade Hippodrome Company), Mr Branimir Jovanovic, Director
Contact person: Ms Natasa Pavlovic
Address: Beograd, Paštrovićeva 2
Tel.: +381 11 3543 839 Fax: +381 11 3571 849

Filming on the hippodrome and horse lease

Filming on the hippodrome and horse leaseIt is possible to, for filming purposes, lease trained horses by directly contacting horse clubs. The horse club which leases horses must provide for them all...

Filming on traffic facilities

Filming on traffic facilities

To stop traffic in the City of Belgrade, apply with the Belgrade City Administration’s Secretariat for Traffic (Sekretarijat za saobraćaj - Gradska uprava Beograd).
To stop traffic for less than 3 minutes
The film production team or a person designated by them must apply in writing with the Secretariat for Traffic (Sekretarijat za saobracaj) which is the relevant permitting authority.
To stop traffic for 3 minutes or more
The film production team or a person designated by them must apply in writing with the Secretariat for Traffic (Sekretarijat za saobracaj). The applicant must submit the traffic study made by a licensed traffic engineer who is a member of the Serbian Chamber ( as well as the request for permit. The approved request shall be submitted to the MoI’s Bureau for Cooperation with Media (MUP - Biro za saradnju sa medijima) which will issue the relevant document on the stopping of traffic.
Permit for movement of heavy duty vehicles, over 5T
There is a restriction on the movement of heavy duty vehicles, over 5T, through urban areas, at particular hours of the day. The relevant permitting authority for the City of Belgrade is the Belgrade City Administration’s Secretariat for Traffic (Sekretarijat za saobraćaj - Gradska uprava Beograd).
To put up/remove traffic signs or signals
If you need to put up/remove traffic signs or signals, contact the Belgrade Road Company (JP Beograd put). If, for filming purposes, you need to close a street in the territory of Belgrade for regular traffic, first obtain the approval of the City Secretariat for Traffic and then contact the Belgrade Road Company (JP Beograd put) which is responsible for signs and signals. The procedure is to write to the Belgrade Road Company (JP Beograd put) enclosing the approval obtained from the Secretariat and identifying your specific requirements. The JP Beograd put services are subject to a payment according to the existing fee scale, unless otherwise designated by the City Secretariat.
To remove vehicles from the street, for filming purposes
If, for filming purposes, it is necessary to remove vehicles from a designated parking space, you need to obtain a permit from the City Secretariat for Traffic (Gradski sekretarijat za saobraćaj), the police, and the communal police, as well as to timely inform local population about the precise duration of filming and designate the leased area. If vehicles are not removed, you should contact the Parking Company (JKP Parking servis) to have them removed. JKP Parking servis charges for this service in accordance with its official pricelist. To remove vehicles from the sidewalk, contact the communal police of the municipality in whose territory parking space has been leased, and to remove vehicles from a traffic lane, contact the City Secretariat for Traffic (Gradski sekretarijat za saobraćaj).
To shoot in public garages owned by the Parking Company (JKP Parking servis).
​Filming may be allowed if JKP Parking servis, in agreement with the production house, determines the time of shooting so as to ensure that operation of the garage is not overly disturbed. There is no charge for leasing the location for filming purposes; you pay for the parking spaces you occupy in a particular time period, namely per hour for the time the crew needs to make necessary arrangements and for filming as such. JKP Parking servis does not provide the electricity required for filming.
To occupy traffic lanes and stop traffic outside city streets, for filming purposes
Apply with Serbian Road Company (JP Putevi Srbije) for approval. This company is the competent authority for roads class I and II (motorways and major trunk roads), and for any bridges connected to them. It is also competent for any sections of motorways passing through urban area (such as through Belgrade, including the Gazela Bridge). All other roads (class III) fall under the competence of local governments. To obtain the approval, apply with the Serbian Road Company’s Maintenance Division (Sektor za odžavanje - JP Putevi Srbije) in writing. The application must be submitted at least a week in advance and only a stamp duty of RSD 780.00 is payable (always check the exact level of this stamp duty considering that it is subject to change). The applicant may be requested to have the orthography imagery of affected road section appended to the detailed description of the location ( The obtained approval is then forwarded to the MoI’s Bureau for Cooperation with Media (MUP- Biro za saradnju sa medijima).

Contact data:
Gradski sekretarijat za saobraćaj,Gradska uprava Beograd, (City Secretariat for Traffic, Belgrade City Administration)
Address: 27. marta 43-45, 11000 Beograd
Contact person: Mr Srđa Putnik
Tel.: +381 11 3309770

JP Putevi Srbije (Serbian Roads Company)
Address: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 282
Contact person: Ms Dragica Kuzmanović, Division for Road Protection, Technical Affairs Dept.
Tel.: +381 11 3040677

JP Beograd put (Belgrade Road Company)
Address: Nušićeva 21, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 3302800

MUP Biro za saradnju sa medijima (MoI’s Bureau for Cooperation with Media)
Address: Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 2, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 3139781; Fax: +381 11 3139782

JKP Parking servis (Parking Company)
Address: Kraljice Marije 7, Mileševska 51, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 303 5400

Filming on traffic facilities

Filming on traffic facilitiesTo stop traffic in the City of Belgrade, apply with the Belgrade City Administration’s Secretariat for Traffic (Sekretarijat za saobraćaj - Gradska uprava Beograd).

Services provided by JKP Gradska čistoća Belgrade City Cleaning Company

Services provided by JKP Gradska čistoća Belgrade City Cleaning Company
The services provided by JKP Gradska čistoća (Belgrade City Cleaning Company) for filming purposes include:
Washing the streets,
Putting up/removing garbage containers,
Leasing the uniforms and equipment from the Company’s stocks.

These services are charged according to the official pricelist; you should contact the Company’s Operations Division ( Sektor operative).

Contact data:
Belgrade City Cleaning Company (JKP Gradska čistoća)
Contact point: Operations Division (Sektor operative)
Address: Mije Kovačevića 4, 11060 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 3314 000

Services provided by JKP Gradska čistoća Belgrade City Cleaning Company

Services provided by JKP Gradska čistoća Belgrade City Cleaning Company
The services provided by JKP Gradska čistoća (Belgrade City Cleaning Company) for filming purposes include:

Use of electricity for filming

Use of electricity for filming

To switch off/on public lighting

Street lighting and decorative lighting of buildings and structures (switching on/off) for filming purposes will be provided by Public Lighting Company (JKP Javna rasveta) after the relevant written application is processed and approved.
Connection to streetlights or candelabras
Contact the Belgrade Electricity Company (Elektrodistribucija Beograd). Download the relevant form from the Electricity Company’s official website, fill out and fax it so that it can be processed. (Please see a sample at the bottom of this page)

Contact data:
JKP Javno osvetljenje (Public Lighting Company)
Contact person: Mr Dragan Nedeljković, Operations Advisor
Address: Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73a, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 4405110

PD Elektrodistribucija Beograd (Belgrade Electricity Company)
Address: Masarikova 1-3, 11000 Beograd,
Tel.: +381 11 340 5534; Fax: +381 11 340 5509

Use of electricity for filming

Use of electricity for filming♦To switch off/on public lightingStreet lighting and decorative lighting of buildings and structures (switching on/off) for filming purposes will be provided by Public...

Use of pyrotechnics for filming purposes

If you need any pyrotechnical special effects, you must obtain a relevant approval from the MoI’s Bureau for Cooperation with Media (MUP - Biro za saradnju sa medijima).


Pyrotechnics for filming contact  data for approval:

MUP Biro za saradnju sa medijima, (MoI’s Bureau for Cooperation with Media)
Address: Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 2, 11000 Beograd
Tel.: +381 11 3139781; Fax: +381 11 3139782

Use of pyrotechnics for filming purposes

If you need any pyrotechnical special effects, you must obtain a relevant approval from the MoI’s Bureau for Cooperation with Media (MUP - Biro za saradnju sa medijima). Pyrotechnics for filmin...