Film in Serbia
• Workshop for screenwriters “From the script to the film”

Workshop for screenwriters “From the script to the film”

workshop luxmedia


Main motive of the workshop for screenwriters “From the script to the film” is to help young writers in upgrading experience, promoting finished scripts and working with producers.

Workshop program:

- script and scriptwriting ideas, placement on domestic and foreign markets
– pitching at international platforms
– script development calls
– impact of production on script’s journey to its final point – the film
– practical work: pitching training to the commission

The workshop was attended by 7 screenwriters. They learned how to prepare their scripts for presenting them, on the best way, to producers in order to bring them to the big screen.

About lecturer:

Srđan Koljević is screenwriter, film director, professor at the Faculty of Drama Arts in Belgrade and lecturer at the European film workshops. He was screenwriter or co-screenwriter on 14 film (6 coproductions and 3 foreign productions) – among other films there were “Krugovi”, “Klopka”, “Ljubav i drugi zločini”. He is multi awarded and one of the most active screenwriter in region, as well as winner of several European awards. He directed his screenplays “Sivi kamion crvene boje”, “Žena sa slomljenim nosem” and “Branio sam Mladu Bosnu”.

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